Real Estate Listings, House Value and Chandler Homes for Sale Hamilton High School Boundary
Hamilton High School
3700 S Arizona Avenue
Chandler AZ 85248
Hamilton High School rated “Grade A” school by the Arizona Department of Education. Hamilton High School is one of the four high school in Chandler Unified School District, a public school serve grade 9-12. Hamilton High School was established in 1998 and located at NE of Arizona Ave and Ocotillo Rd in Chandler AZ 85248.
Hamilton High School, Chandler AZ 85248
Hamilton High School offers outstanding curriculum, comprehensive fine arts and athletics programs, and a wide variety of extra curricular activities. State of the art technology enhances students’ learning, presentation, and research capabilities.
The homes near Hamilton High School are a great place to call home. Homes in Hamilton High School boundary is located in part of South of Chandler Blvd in Chandler Zipcode 85224 and 85225, most part of Chandler Zipcode 85286, 85248 and 85249. Homes have easy access to Loop 202, grocery stores, shopping and dining.
Homes for Sale in Hamilton High School boundary
More Information about Hamilton High School
Hamilton High School Schedule
Hamilton High School Calendar
Hamilton High School Athletic
Hamilton Huskies Football Schedule
Hamilton High School Website
Great School rating for Hamilton High School
School Digger rating for Hamilton High School
Community and Neighborhood near Hamilton High School
Alma School Park
Arden Park
Arizona Reflection
Autumn Park
Blakeman Ranch
Carino Estates
Canopy Lane
Clemente Ranch
Cottonwood Springs
Fulton Ranch
Fieldstone Estates
Fox Crossing
Germann Country Estates
Homestead Park
Ironwood Vistas
Kerby Estates
Lagos Vistoso
McQueen Lakes
Oakwood Lakes
Paseo Crossing
Paseo Place
Pecos Vistas
Pinelake Estates
San Tan Vista
Silverton Ranch
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