Real Estate Listings, House Value and Homes for Sale Kempton Crossing Chandler AZ 85225
Kempton Crossing community is located at North-East of South Cooper Road and East Pecos Road in Chandler zipcode 85225, just minutes away from Freeway 202. Kempton Crossing is a neighborhood that only has single story home. All homes in Kempton Crossing are single story homes, so as buyer, you don’t need to worry any two level homes at your back or side for privacy.
Kempton Crossing community amenities include lush green space, play ground and walking/biking path.
Kempton Crossing, Chandler AZ 85225
Homes in Kempton Crossing
Homes in Kempton Crossing were built in late 1990 and early 2000 by Continental Homes. Homes size are ranging from little over 1,300 square feet to over 2,600 square feet, with 3 car garage model available.
Kempton Crossing Homeowner Association
Kempton Crossing is governed by Kempton Crossing Homeowner Association and professionally managed by Cornerstone Properties. The current HOA fees is about $40.00 per month. The HOA fees include common area maintenance. Be sure to verify HOA information and fees with your Realtor when making offer.
School near Kempton Crossing
Kempton Crossing community is served by Chandler Unified School District. Based on Chandler Unified School District boundaries map, school aged children live in Kempton Crossing neighborhood will be attending Chandler Traditional Academy – Humphrey, Willis Junior High School and Perry High School.
Recently Sold Home in Kempton Crossing and House Value
View Recently Sold Homes in Kempton Crossing, Chandler AZ 85225. By looking at recently sold homes, you can learn more about neighborhoods, gauge home values and you can get a rough idea of what yours would sell for.
Chandler AZ Housing Market Trends Report
View Chandler AZ Housing Market Report. The data used this Chandler AZ Market Report is consolidated from multiple sources and includes current listings, recent sales, and more. Whether you are a buyer or seller, the knowledge you gain will help put you in control of your real estate transactions.
Selling your home in Kempton Crossing Chandler AZ
Contact Us or call Swee Ng at 480.721.6253 today to discuss your potential Chandler AZ House Value and our comprehensive marketing plan. We will prepare complimentary competitive market analysis (CMA) to find out what your home is worth at today’s market.

Homes for Sale in Kempton Crossing

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