High School in Gilbert AZ
There are 9 high schools in Gilbert AZ that are served by 3 school districts. Gilbert Public School District boundary serve homes in Gilbert AZ zipcode 85233, 85234 and part of 85296 area. Higley Unified School District serve homes in 85295, 85296 and 85297 zipcode boundary and school aged children in Gilbert AZ 85298 zipcode area will attending school served under Chandler Unified School District.
Highland High School, Gilbert AZ 85234
High School in Gilbert Public School District boundary
Campo Verde High School
Gilbert High School
Highland High School
Mesquite High School
Gilbert AZ High School in Higley Unified School District boundary
Higley High School
Williams Field High School
Gilbert AZ High School in Chandler Unified School District boundary
Basha High School
Casteel High School (new high school opened in 2015)
Perry High School
High School in Gilbert AZ with boundary map:
infomation is deemed to be reliable but not guaranteed
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