10 Things To Do After Offer Is Accepted
Congratulations, after few rounds of negotiation, your offer had been accepted by seller. You are now under contract! There are a lot more work to do to get the transaction closed and to transfer ownership. Here are 10 things to do buyer under contract checklist.
Earnest Money
Make sure that you deliver the earnest money in the format and timeline agreed upon in your contract.
Home Inspection
Once you have an executed sales contract, the clock starts on your inspection period. Order home inspection ASAP!
Financing Documents
Your lender will begin asking for a lots of paperwork. Be prepared to provide plenty of documentations throughout the transaction.
Title Commitment
Be sure to review the title commitment once you receive from the title company.
The appraisal should be ordered as soon as home inspection is completed and all issues had resolved.
Homeowner Insurance
Order homeowner insurance and check if flood insurance is required. Provide information to title company.
Setup Utilities
Setting up utilities account and turn on utilities service on closing day.
Pre-Closing Walkthrough
Make sure home’s conditions still the same as when making offer. Check all repairs are completed (if applicable).
Schedule Closing
Schedule signing day. All buyers will need to bring their ID and certified funds (if applicable).
Key Time
After the property has transferred to new owner and recorded with county. Congratulations, you just become homeowner.
Wondering how much house you can afford?
Click here to access the Mortgage House Payment Calculator. Simply add in the price of the home you are considering and the calculator will return your estimated house payment. Change length of loan and interest rates to adjust results.
Phoenix AZ Housing Market Trends Report
View Phoenix AZ Housing Market Report. The data used this Phoenix AZ Market Report is consolidated from multiple sources and includes current listings, recent sales, and more. Whether you are a buyer or seller, the knowledge you gain will help put you in control of your real estate transactions.
Swee Ng, Realtor and Phoenix East Valley resident specializing in win-win real estate transaction through great communication and fighting for his clients’ best interest. After all, this is more than real estates, this is about your life and your dreams.
If you are looking to buy or sell your home in Phoenix AZ area, we hope you will consider us. Contact us today for complimentary consultation.
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