What is Title Insurance? What You Need to Know About Title Insurance Buying a home is probably the single biggest investment you will ever make. Before closing on the house, you’ll want to know that no other individual or entity has a right, lien or claim to the property. Determining that your rights and interests […]
Home Ready Mortgage Program
Home Ready Mortgage Program by Fannie Mae Most first time home buyer faces financial challenges such as they can’t afford a large down payment, they may have student loan or may need parents and other family member to help out when buying a home. They are Willing, Ready but un-Able to buy because financial situation. […]
What is an Appraisal when buying a house?
What is an Appraisal and what buyers need to know when buying a home? When you are buying a house in Arizona with a mortgage, your lender will be requesting an appraisal. A real estate appraiser’s only job is to give an unbiased OPINION of value of the subject property. The appraiser will use recent […]
What is HUD Homes?
A HUD home is a 1-to-4 unit residential property acquired by HUD (U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development) as a result of a foreclosure action on an FHA-insured mortgage. HUD becomes the property owner and offers it for sale to recover the loss on the foreclosure claim. Who Can Buy a HUD Home? Almost […]
What is Due Diligence when Buying a Home?
What is Due Diligence when Buying a Home in Phoenix Arizona? You and your Realtor work hard found your dream home. After back for forth of negotiations and counter offers, seller finally had accepted your offer. Now what, you may ask. Many first time home buyers have little idea of what they need to do […]
Buying REO Homes Phoenix AZ
First time home buyer: Buying REO Homes Phoenix AZ REO in short of Real Estate Owned is a term used to describe a property owned by a lender typically by bank, government agency, or government loan insurer, after an unsuccessful sale at a foreclosure auction. In short, it is also known as Bank Owned […]
Making Offer When Buying a Home
Making Offer When Buying a Home in Arizona There are typically 8 steps to successfully buying a house. One of the most important aspects is making an offer. Once you’ve found the perfect house, the next step in the process – making an offer. In order to increase your chances at getting the house, however, […]
Why you should get home inspection?
Why you should get home inspection when buying a home in Arizona? Whether you are buying a home or selling a home, you should have a professional home inspection performed. A home inspection is an all-encompassing visual examination of the condition of a home. As home is one of the most important purchase one will […]
What is the difference between Mortgage Pre-Qualification & Pre-Approval?
First time home buyer: What is the difference between Mortgage Pre-Qualification and Pre-Approval? When you are buying home in Phoenix, your Real Estate Agent may ask you whether you had pre-qualified or pre-approved for mortgage. So, what’s the different between Mortgage Pre-qualification and Mortgage Pre-approved? Photo by Precondo CA on Unsplash What is Mortgage Pre-Qualification? […]
Choosing neighborhood when buying home
Choosing neighborhood when buying home One of the most important aspects of buying a home is choosing the neighborhood. After all, you’re not just buying a new home, you’re deciding on the community where you will build a life! Image by Public Co from Pixabay Consider these factors in choosing a neighborhood: Nearby Amenities Are […]