3 Tips for Moving With Kids Moving is complex. Moving with children is even more challenging. Some of their anxieties and fears over relocating may seem petty to adults, but they are nevertheless real. You could probably tell your children they are moving to Disneyland and, after the initial ecstasy wore off, they’d still feel […]
Should You Skip the Home Inspection for a Better Deal?

Should you skip the home inspection for a better deal when buying home in Phoenix AZ? When Phoenix AZ Real Estate Markets are moving quickly, sellers sometimes become uncompromising. Why make concessions if your home is leading the neighborhood’s Ms. Popularity contest? This may lead buyers, caught in the frenzy of a bidding war, to […]
What Counts as a Comp for Your Home?

What Counts as a Comp for Your Home in Phoenix AZ? From replacing a rusted out bathroom sink to laying laminate flooring, Americans are hooked on the DIY craze. Some things, however, are better left to professionals. Establishing your home’s current market value before putting it on the selling block or pursuing a refinance is […]
3 Points to Ponder About a Home’s Location
What to Look for When Buying an Older Home
What to Look for When Buying an Older Home Anyone who has visited San Francisco or Cape May, New Jersey knows how beautiful historic architecture can be. In San Francisco, they’ve even named their stately, restored Victorian homes “Painted Ladies.” But, are these older homes good buys? Considering that most of a home’s components deteriorate […]
What You Must Know About Insurance

What You Must Know About Insurance When Buying a Home in Phoenix AZ Buying a home in Phoenix AZ involves getting to know a lot of financial terms and processes that most first-time homebuyers have never been exposed to. One of the most confusing is insurance. If you’ve never owned a home before, your familiarity with […]
Conventional Loan 3% Down Payment buying a house in Phoenix AZ
Conventional Loan 3% Down Payment for buying a house in Gilbert AZ Conventional Mortgage Loan 3% Down is a Fannie Mae program that requires a minimum down payment of 3% for homebuyers with limited funds. This is a lower down payment than FHA financing, and these loans also usually have lower mortgage insurance (MI) costs. […]
First-Time Home Buyer Mistakes when Buying Home

Avoid These 5 First Time Home Buyer Mistakes when Buying Home in Arizona According to the dictionary, a mistake is an error resulting from deficient knowledge or carelessness. While we can’t do anything about carelessness, when it comes to counseling first-time home buyers, the real estate agent is a tremendous resource to help overcome knowledge […]
Measuring Gilbert AZ House Value of a View
Measuring Gilbert AZ House Value of a View Suppose you own a castle on the flats and your brother owns one high atop a hill that features amazing, unobstructed views. Aside from location, the two castles are identical. Which one has the higher resale value? If you guessed that it’s the hilltop castle, you are […]
First time home buyer: Writing a Home Offer Letter

Writing a Home-Offer Letter – Is It a Good Idea? When buying a home in Phoenix AZ area, the most important letter you’ll submit to a home seller is the one you’ll get from your lender stating that you are preapproved for a mortgage. Savvy listing agents will counsel their clients to refuse offers from […]